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利用2010年7月22日苏皖中尺度对流复合体(MCC)数值模拟输出结果,考察了模式对MCC的模拟能力,并对模拟结果做了动力和热力诊断分析,以揭示盛夏江淮下游MCC的特征。结果表明:1) 三重嵌套网格距为3.3 km的区域WRF模式的模拟效果较佳,结果与实况一致,并可利用模拟降水的范围及强度来确定MCC的位置及演变。2) 此MCC维持约10 h,其南北不对称,并随西太平洋副热带高压西伸北抬而随之北抬。MCC核心区对流层低层有水汽丰沛的入流,并有强辐合区,呈对流不稳定层结;中层有深厚的强上升运动,并因凝结潜热大量释放呈中性层结;高层则有出流;MCC核心区对流降水非常强。3) 在垂直剖面上,该核心区散度存在中低层辐合、高层辐散的柱状结构,此配置有利于强对流维持和加强,中低层以上有深厚的强上升气流柱,这些都是MCC核心区存在强对流的标志。该MCC的螺旋结构表明其中的强对流高度有组织。  相似文献   
红色精灵是发生在雷暴云上空的一种大尺度瞬态放电发光现象,它们通常出现在地面上空40~90 km之间,是由地闪回击和随后可能存在的连续电流产生的。目前,由于综合同步观测资料较少,与夏季红色精灵相比,全世界对冬季红色精灵的研究屈指可数。2008年12月27~28日,受高空槽及低层暖湿气流的影响,北美阿肯色州地区爆发了一次冬季雷暴天气过程,搭载于FORMOSAT-2卫星上的ISUAL(Imager of Sprites and Upper Atmospheric Lightning)探测器有幸在这次雷暴上空记录到了两例红色精灵事件。本文利用ISUAL获取的红色精灵观测资料、多普勒天气雷达资料、美国国家闪电定位资料、超低频磁场数据、美国国家环境中心/气候预测中心提供的云顶亮温和探空数据等综合观测数据,对产生红色精灵的这次冬季雷暴特征和相关闪电活动规律进行了详细研究。结果表明,在两例红色精灵中,ISUAL均未观测到伴随的“光晕(halo)”现象,第一例为“圆柱状”红色精灵,第二例红色精灵由于发光较暗,无法判断其具体形态。产生红色精灵的母体雷暴是一次中尺度对流系统,该系统于27日15:00(协调世界时,下同)左右出现在阿肯色州北部附近,并自西向东移动。23:59系统发展到最强,最大雷达反射率因子(55~60 dBZ)的面积达到339 km2,之后开始减弱。03:03雷暴强度有所增加,随后云体便逐渐扩散,雷暴开始减弱,并在11:00完全消散。两例红色精灵发生分别在04:46:05和04:47:14,此时雷暴处于消散阶段,正负地闪频数均处于一个较低水平且正地闪比例显著增加,并且多位于云顶亮温?40°C~?50°C的层状云区上空。红色精灵的出现伴随着30~35 dBZ回波面积的增加。在红色精灵发生期间,雷达反射率大于40 dBZ的面积减少,10~40 dBZ的面积增加,表明红色精灵的产生与雷暴对流的减弱和层状云区的发展有关,这与已有的夏季红色精灵的研究结果类似。红色精灵的母体闪电为正地闪单回击,位于中尺度对流系统雷达反射率为25~35 dBZ的层状云降水区,对应的雷达回波顶高分别为2.5 km和5 km,峰值电流分别为+183 kA和+45 kA。根据超低频磁场数据估算两个母体闪电的脉冲电荷矩变化(iCMC)分别为+394 C km和+117 C km。超低频磁天线记录到了第一例红色精灵内部的电流信号,表明这例红色精灵放电很强。  相似文献   
赵玉春  王叶红 《大气科学》2020,44(2):371-389
利用2009~2017年7~9月福建省逐小时地面加密自动站资料和2015~2017年7~9月厦门站的探空资料,通过K均值聚类法和中尺度数值模式(WRF3.9.1.1版本)理想数值模拟,分析了我国东南沿岸及复杂山地(福建)后汛期降水日变化特征,揭示了地形热力环流以及海陆风环流在热对流降水日变化形成中的作用,探讨了环境温湿廓线及风垂直廓线对热对流降水日峰值强度和日峰值出现时间的影响。结果发现:我国东南沿岸复杂山地(福建)后汛期降水日变化受地形热力环流和海陆风环流的影响和调制,白天辐射加热在复杂山地形成的局地热力环流激发出对流降雨带,午后受海风环流的影响,对流降雨带组织发展达到峰值,之后随着地形热力环流和海风环流减弱雨带逐渐减弱。武夷山及周边复杂山地的降水日变化主要受地形热力环流的影响,在午后对流降水达到峰值,夜间减弱几近消失。理想数值试验进一步证实了我国东南沿岸复杂山地地形热力环流对对流降雨的触发以及海陆风环流在山地对流雨带组织发展中的作用,环境温湿廓线以及风垂直廓线对热对流降水日峰值强度以及日峰值出现的时间具有重要影响,其中环境温湿廓线的大气抬升凝结高度、大气可降水量、大气的对流不稳定度以及大气中低层湿度分布的不同,会影响热对流降水日峰值强度,并通过影响山地热力对流触发时间,改变热对流降水日峰值时间,而环境风垂直廓线的低层气流强度和方向、中低层垂直风切变的不同,会影响地形热力对流系统的启动、组织发展和移动等特征,进而影响热对流降水日峰值强度以及热对流降水日峰值时间。  相似文献   
利用2013—2017年6—8月FY-2E和FY-2G地球静止卫星相当黑体温度(Black Body Temperature,TBB)资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对我国夏季东北冷涡下东北地区MCS的分布和活动特征进行了统计分析,结果表明:(1) MCS的活动具有明显的月际变化和日变化特征,6月对流活动最活跃。MCS的主要移向是东、东北和东南,平均移动距离3.99个经纬距。(2) MCS成熟时刻的面积、偏心率和生命史均小于江淮地区以及中国中东部,云顶高度低于江淮地区,整个生命史表现出发展快消亡慢的特征,与江淮地区相反。(3)基于MCS的定义得到的Z标准,对2016—2017年的MCS作了统计分析并与J标准统计得到的MCS进行对比,得出,两种定义下的MCS环境场特征基本一致,主要表现为MCS多生成于500 hPa槽前和槽后,对流层高层MCS位于双急流之间靠近北支急流的辐散区,南侧急流高度在200 hPa,北侧的急流高度在250 hPa。低层,位于低空急流左侧,低涡南侧、东南侧,有较强的水汽和动量输送。槽前生成的MCS南侧中层存在垂直反环流向MCS输送干暖空气与位涡,槽后生成的MCS两侧均有大值位涡向其输送,同时北侧冷干空气的输送使锋区及上升运动加强,更有利于MCS的形成。(4)两种标准下的MCS造成的降水明显不同,在统计强降水方面Z标准要优于J标准。由于Z标准空间与时间尺度较小,统计得到的MCS较多;但同时会遗漏部分相对弱的MCS。  相似文献   
采用SAL定量降水预报检验方法,对2017年梅雨期一次区域性极端降水过程EC-THIN、RIOF、NCEP、CMA的高分辨率数值预报产品,从结构、强度和位置3个方面进行检验对比,同时对72 h内各模式降水预报稳定性开展检验分析。在此基础上,剖析了降水预报误差成因。分析发现:(1)在降水分布上,RIOF、EC-THIN和CMA预报的雨带走向与实况基本一致,NCEP预报主雨带范围偏大,暴雨区偏东;(2)雨区结构上RIOF和EC-THIN把握较好,NCEP和CMA在降水强度方面预报较好,位置预报上各家误差均较小,其中CMA误差最小;(3)EC-THIN和NCEP在结构、强度和位置预报上均有较好的稳定性。CMA在降水强度方面预报稳定较好,位置预报上调整较大。RIOF在降水结构预报上稳定性较好,落区预报上变化幅度较大;(4)降水预报误差根本原因是由系统预报误差而形成,系统强度、位置、移动直接影响着降水偏差。垂直物理量的预报偏差对降水时段、加强、强度也具有一定影响。  相似文献   
风力发电作为一种无污染可再生的能源,已逐渐成为许多国家能源战略可持续发展的重要组成部分。风电场风能预报是风力发电开发中的关键技术问题。为研究鄱阳湖区风力发电预报技术,采用中尺度模式WRF和微尺度模块CALMET对鄱阳湖区长岭风电场进行了200 m水平分辨率风能预报,并根据长岭机组理论功率曲线表和实测数据拟合出理论和实际发电机组功率曲线模型及平均有功功率与发电量模型。根据WRF+CALMET模式预报风速及建立的发电机组功率曲线模型和平均有功功率与发电量模型,预报了长岭风电场发电量。结果表明:长岭风电场23座风机逐小时风速预报值与观测值相关系数为0.42~0.61,均方根误差为2.59~3.68,相对误差为-13.7%~17.4%;对整个风场,预报风速与观测风速的相关系数为0.55,均方根误差为2.8,相对误差为-4.79%。实测发电量值高于预报值,平均偏大39.7 kW,相对误差为-12.6%,预报值与实测值相关性较好,相关系数达到0.52。总体来说,根据中尺度数值模式预报的风速结合风功率、发电量模型预测出的发电量与实测值较为接近,但各月差异性较大。  相似文献   
A vorticity budget investigation is performed using the output data from a numerical simulation of a typical MCV (mesoscale convectively generated votex) case in South China. Results suggest that the divergence caused by convection in the low troposphere is the main producer of positive vorticity, while vertical vorticity transferred by the tilting term from the horizontal vorticity compensates the upward output of cyclonic vorticity. Scale analyses of the vorticity equation suggest that the advection of planetary vorticity can be neglected owing to the low latitude, which is different from the larger scale systems in high latitude areas. In addition, the distribution of relative vorticity tendency on pressure level is not uniform. A vortex will move along the vector from the negative to the positive vorticity tendency region. The mechanism of the phenomenon-that nearly all of the convectively ascending region is located southward/southeastward of the vortex center-is also discussed. Convergence with regard to latent heat release would be in favor of the spin-up of meso-vortex, however, the horizontal vorticity caused by windshear is tilted by vertical motion due to convection. Consequently, the negative and positive vorticity tendencies are located symmetrically about the convective center, which suggests that the vortex southward movement is dynamically driven by convection.  相似文献   
Variability of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in FGOALS-g2   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The variability of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) in the pre-industrial control experiment of the Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System model, Grid-point Version 2 (FGOALS-g2) was investigated using the model outputs with the most stable state in a 512-yr time window from the total 1500-yr period of the experiment. The period of AMOC in FGOALS-g2 is double peaked at 20 and 32 years according to the power spectrum, and 22 years according to an auto-correlation analysis, which shows very obvious decadal variability. Like many other coupled climate models, the decadal variability of AMOC in FGOALS-g2 is closely related to the convection that occurs in the Labrador Sea region. Deep convection in the Labrador Sea in FGOALS-g2 leads the AMOC maximum by 3-4 years. The contributions of thermal and haline effects to the variability of the convection in three different regions [the Labrador, Irminger and Greenland-Iceland- Norwegian (GIN) Seas] were analyzed for FGOALS-g2. The variability of convection in the Labrador and Irminger Seas is thermally dominant, while that in the colder GIN Seas can be mainly attributed to salinity changes due to the lower thermal expansion. By comparing the simulation results from FGOALS-g2 and 11 other models, it was found that AMOC variability can be attributed to salinity changes for longer periods (longer than 35 years) and to temperature changes for shorter periods.  相似文献   
The features of 30-60-day convection oscillations over the subtropical western North Pacific (WNP) were investigated, along with the degree of tropical-subtropical linkage between the oscillations over the WNP during summer 1998. It was found that 30-60-day oscillations were extremely strong in that summer over both the subtropical and tro]~ical WNP, providing a unique opportunity to study the behavior of subtropical oscillations and their relationship to tropical oscillations. Further analyses indicated that 30-60-day oscillations propagate westwards over the subtropical WNP and reach eastern China. In addition, 30-60-day oscillations in the subtropics are affected by those over the South China Sea (SCS) and tropical WNP through two mechanisms: (1) direct propagation from the tropics into the subtropics; and (2) a seesaw pattern between the tropics and subtropics, with the latter being predominant.  相似文献   
The heaviest rainfall over 61 yr hit Beijing during 21-22 July 2012.Characterized by great rainfall amount and intensity,wide range,and high impact,this record-breaking heavy rainfall caused dozens of deaths and extensive damage.Despite favorable synoptic conditions,operational forecasts underestimated the precipitation amount and were late at predicting the rainfall start time.To gain a better understanding of the performance of mesoscale models,verification of high-resolution forecasts and analyses from the WRFbased BJ-RUCv2.0 model with a horizontal grid spacing of 3 km is carried out.The results show that water vapor is very rich and a quasi-linear precipitation system produces a rather concentrated rain area.Moreover,model forecasts are first verified statistically using equitable threat score and BIAS score.The BJ-RUCv2.0forecasts under-predict the rainfall with southwestward displacement error and time delay of the extreme precipitation.Further quantitative analysis based on the contiguous rain area method indicates that major errors for total precipitation(〉 5 mm h~(-1)) are due to inaccurate precipitation location and pattern,while forecast errors for heavy rainfall(〉 20 mm h~(-1)) mainly come from precipitation intensity.Finally,the possible causes for the poor model performance are discussed through diagnosing large-scale circulation and physical parameters(water vapor flux and instability conditions) of the BJ-RUCv2.0 model output.  相似文献   
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